Child Safety Policy
Rosharan Technologies Pvt Ltd (SuperFam) - published standards against child sexual abuse and exploitation (CSAE)
Rosharan Technologies Pvt Ltd (operating this website as well as, Android & iOS apps with the brand name ‘SuperFam’) takes appropriate action, including but not limited to removing CSAM, after obtaining actual knowledge of it, following our published standards on this page and relevant laws.
We self-certify that the SuperFam app complies with applicable child safety laws and regulations, including but not limited to, having a process in place to report confirmed CSAM to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children or the relevant regional authority for countries we operate in
For India:Organization to contact: Childline 1098 India
Phone number: 1098
What is CSAM?
CSAM stands for child sexual abuse material. It is illegal and our Terms of Service prohibit using our organization's products (including the SuperFam app - Android & iOS) and services to store or share this content. CSAM consists of any visual depiction, including but not limited to photos, videos, and computer-generated imagery, involving the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct
Our mode of action when it is reported?
We completely remove CSAM when we obtain actual knowledge of it on the app
We reserve the right to ban reported users from using the app - at any point
We report all cases to authorities for each country in which we operate.
As per this list: relevant regional authority.
For India:
Organization to contact: Childline 1098 India
Phone number: 1098
How to report CSAM?
SuperFam has an in-app mechanism within the app for users to submit feedback, concerns, or reports in your app.
You can navigate to the Profile tab and click “Share Feedback” to submit feedback within the app or “Report an issue” which helps you email our dedicated support email handle.